CHICAGO (September 21, 2021) – The National Association of Realtors® announced today the launch of…
The B.E.A.R. Website Has a New Look!
We have recently updated our B.E.A.R. website! The updates will make it easier to navigate for all. We have also added some features for B.E.A.R. members. Once you login to the website, you will have access to REALTOR exclusive tools such as our Floor Plan Directory and document management center.
Where do I sign in?
You can sign into the website by pressing member login on the upper left hand side of the homepage.
What is my login info?
For REALTORS, your MLS login is your username (B+License#). Your temporary password is welcome. You can change it once you log in. We suggest making your new password your current MLS password to make things easier.
Affiliates, your login is your member ID. Your temporary password is welcome. You can change it once you log in.
Where do members pay their dues?
Members pay their dues by clicking pay membership dues. This will connect them to our old IMS system. Our old IMS system will be used to pay membership dues only. When you go to pay your annual dues you’ll login using your MLS Login (REALTORS) or Member ID(AFFILIATES) and use your old password.
How to Sign up for Classes/Events
The calendar is on the homepage as well as on menu under news/events. Find the appropriate ticket selection for event and proceed with registration.
To pay – Choose PayPal Express. You do not need a paypal account to use this option . PayPal is 100% secure for financial transactions.